Subject: Validate attachments with different Content-Type
Date: 2012-08-23 18:01:56
From: Mario Ramon Z Caceres
Source: validate-attachments-different-content-type


Hi All
I'm using UltimateMail (IMAP) to download file attachments in all emails into inbox folder, basically xml and pdf files. 
I need to make sure all files has a content, and doesn't matter if this content is valid or not, it will be validated by another application.
When my app get those files, it is receiving many different kind of Content-Type, such as "application/octet-stream", "text-xml", "application/pdf" and so on. So, my question is: is there a smoothly way to validate those files to see if their content are empty or not  - it doesn't matter their content-type ? 
Thanks for your help
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