Subject: using  ComponentPro.Diagnostics.XTrace
Date: 2020-12-24 15:03:03
From: nicis
Source: using-componentpro-diagnostics-xtrace


I want to activate xtrace log when I'm using ftp & sftp tools but on a specific way :

dynamically, I can open 1 or more connections.
when I open several connections at the same time, I want, for each connection ,  that the logs be recorded in one different file.
(1 ftp session = 1 log file). each log will contain only logs related to "his associated connection"

I created my own custom class . the philosophy is the following :

public class MyCustomLog : ComponentPro.Diagnostics.UltimateTextWriterTraceListener
public String TraceFileName = null;
public TextWriter _LogAppSession = null;

public override void TraceData(object source, TraceEventType eventType, string category, string message)
     this._LogAppSession.WriteLine("--->"   message);

public int Init (String LogFile)
	TraceFileName = LogFile;
	if (File.Exists(this.TraceFileName) == false )
	   this._LogAppSession = TraceFileName.CreateText(false );
	   this._LogAppSession = TraceFileName.AppendText(false );

when I create the class for each ftp connnection :

c_session_ftp = new ComponentPro.Net.Ftp();
logListner = new MyCustomLog ();

logListner.Init (session_log);

ComponentPro.Diagnostics.XTrace.Default.Level = ComponentPro.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Verbose;

but this does not work as I expected, the _LogAppSession is null

an alternative was to use a static class and detect within tracedata the correct connection/log file
i wanted to use the source value to detect the "related" connection
but, until the "ftp" connection is "opened", the source value is null. 

how can be such a behavious (1 log file per connection ) be implemented ?

many thanks for your help


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