Subject: How to Use Public Key Authentication with SFTP Server
Date: 2019-12-17 20:22:59
From: Lee
Source: use-public-key-authentication-sftp-server

Can you please provide an example of how public key authentication works with sftp server?  I'm guessing something like:

server.PreAuthentication = ServerOnPreAuthentication;

private static void ServerOnPreAuthentication(object sender, PreAuthenticationEventArgs e)

And then maybe something like this:

server.Authentication  = ServerOnAuthentication;

private static void ServerOnAuthentication(object sender, AuthenticationEventArgs e)
    if (e.Key.???)
        var user = AddUser((SftpSshServer)sender, e.UserName, e.Password, userPath);


The problem is e.Key is always null for me, no matter what I do.  I am testing this with FileZilla and a Logon Type of Key file where I specify a ppk file.


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