Subject: Unzip zip with subfolders, missing first character
Date: 2014-06-27 07:25:24
From: Iris Maag
Source: unzip-zip-subfolders-missing-first-character


We wanted to use the new version (v6.0.40626)  but now we have a new problem.

We want to unzip a zip with subfolders, but after extracting the zip, its' missing the first character from each folder.

[code lang='c#']

using (Zip zip = new Zip(zipFile))
                TransferOptions opt = new TransferOptions();
                opt.FileExistsResolveAction = FileExistsResolveAction.OverwriteOlderFiles;

                zip.ExtractAll(targetPath, opt);


Thanks for your feedback.

Viele Grüsse

Iris Maag


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