Subject: Unspecific exception occurs when invoking the FileExists method from the ComponentPro.Net.Sftp class
Date: 2023-06-23 21:38:31
From: krassimir.manolov
Source: unspecific-exception-occurs-invoking-fileexists-method-componentpro-net-sftp-class


The below unspecific exception occurs when the FileExists method is invoked from the ComponentPro.Net.Sftp class with parameters that contain irregular characters. This exception does not occur when the parameter does not contain irregular characters ... e.g.,

    fileExists = _securedClient.FileExists("/hcpletters/Anju/Anwendung über eine Magensonde_88620.pdf");

> Error Message: Failure; InternalError: Server encountered an internal
> error. Please try again after some time.
> ProtocolError
> ComponentPro.Net.NetworkExceptionStatus.InvalidResponse

Can you please provide any information regarding the root cause, and whether there is a solution?


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