Subject: Unique ID in IMAPMessage
Date: 2010-12-08 17:44:53
From: Akshay Chand
Source: unique-id-imapmessage

$0I am having some issues with using the IMAPMessage API. I am using this class to automate downloading/archiving of emails from Exchange server to a SQL server. I am using the UniqueID of the message as the guid for verifying whether a particular email has been downloaded or not. The automation portion of this process involves a windows service that checks every 10 minutes for any new message has arrived in the current calendar date. If a new message has arrived, it archives it to the SQL server and sets the 'Marked as read' flag to true so that it doesn't get picked up again.$0
$0This has been working great until recently when I noticed that an email was actually stored in the database 4 times, each with a different UniqueID. I looked at my exchange server logs and there is no trace of where the other 3 emails came from. So my first question is - What is this UniqueID and how unique is it? Is the mail server generating this emailID or is it something internal to UltimateMail? How would you explain the other 3 emails if they don't exist in the exchange server?$0
$0 $0
$0Another issue I had with this particular email is the content of the email body. This email is a plain text email and has a few special characters equivalent of Chr(9) in .NET. Firstly, it is ignoring this character and secondly, it is ignoring the new line characters. As a result, the email which contains some tabular data is completely misaligned. However, when I look at the email using Outlook, it does not lose its alignment. I am using the BodyText property if the .HasHTML flag is false for a particular email. So my next question is - How do I get the exact content of the email as it looks in the mail server or on an outlook client? FYI, the database field that captures email body is a VARCHAR.$0
$0Any help will be appreciated.$0
$0Thanks in advance.$0


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