Subject: Unable to Generate XML Signature
Date: 2015-09-28 13:29:41
From: Bebins v
Source: unable-generate-xml-signature

[code lang='c#']

protected void BtnSample_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
              string  ConsumerServiceUrl = "";
                // Extract the SP target url.
              string targetUrl = "localhost:49485/sendxml.aspx";

                // Validate it.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetUrl))

                // Create a SAML response object.
                ComponentPro.Saml2.Response samlResponse = new ComponentPro.Saml2.Response();
                // Assign the consumer service url.
                samlResponse.Destination = ConsumerServiceUrl;
                Issuer issuer = new Issuer(GetAbsoluteUrl("~/"));
                samlResponse.Issuer = issuer;
                samlResponse.Status = new Status(SamlPrimaryStatusCode.Success, null);

                Assertion samlAssertion = new Assertion();
                samlAssertion.Issuer = issuer;

                // Use the local user's local identity.
                Subject subject = new Subject(new NameId(User.Identity.Name));
                SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation = new SubjectConfirmation(SamlSubjectConfirmationMethod.Bearer);
                SubjectConfirmationData subjectConfirmationData = new SubjectConfirmationData();
                subjectConfirmationData.Recipient = ConsumerServiceUrl;
                subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData = subjectConfirmationData;
                samlAssertion.Subject = subject;

                // Create a new authentication statement.
                AuthnStatement authnStatement = new AuthnStatement();
                authnStatement.AuthnContext = new AuthnContext();
                authnStatement.AuthnContext.AuthnContextClassRef = new AuthnContextClassRef(SamlAuthenticationContext.Password);

                // If you need to add custom attributes, uncomment the following code
                #region Custom Attributes
                AttributeStatement attributeStatement = new AttributeStatement();
                attributeStatement.Attributes.Add(new ComponentPro.Saml2.Attribute("SSN", SamlAttributeNameFormat.Basic, null,
                attributeStatement.Attributes.Add(new ComponentPro.Saml2.Attribute("FirstName", SamlAttributeNameFormat.Basic, null,
                attributeStatement.Attributes.Add(new ComponentPro.Saml2.Attribute("lastname", SamlAttributeNameFormat.Basic, null,

                // Insert a custom token key to the SAML response.
                attributeStatement.Attributes.Add(new ComponentPro.Saml2.Attribute("CustomTokenForVerification", SamlAttributeNameFormat.Basic, null,


                // Define ENCRYPTEDSAML preprocessor flag if you wish to encrypt the SAML response.
    // Load the certificate for the encryption.
    // Please make sure the file is in the root directory.
    X509Certificate2 encryptingCert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "X509Certificate.cer"), "password");

    // Create an encrypted SAML assertion from the SAML assertion we have created.
    EncryptedAssertion encryptedSamlAssertion = new EncryptedAssertion(samlAssertion, encryptingCert, new System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.EncryptionMethod(SamlKeyAlgorithm.TripleDesCbc));

    // Add encrypted assertion to the SAML response object.
                // Add assertion to the SAML response object.

                // Get the previously loaded certificate.
                X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "Aflac.cer"), "password");
               // X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = (X509Certificate2)Application[Global.CertKeyName];

                // Sign the SAML response with the certificate.

                // Send the SAML response to the service provider.
                samlResponse.SendHttpPost(Response.OutputStream, ConsumerServiceUrl, targetUrl);

            catch (Exception exception)
                Trace.Write("IdentityProvider", "An Error occurred", exception);

        private string GetAbsoluteUrl(string relativeUrl)
            Uri u = new Uri(Request.Url, ResolveUrl(relativeUrl));
            return u.ToString();



When i run the above code it says "Unable to generate XML Signature" , Please guide me regarding this

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