Subject: Is UltimateBounceInspector self contained with all included components licensed?
Date: 2012-02-28 23:06:30
From: Chris M
Source: ultimatebounceinspector-self-contained-included-components-licensed

I'm looking at Ultimate Bounce Inspector for a project, however noticed that the trial comes with UltimateBounceInspector.dll, as well as UltimateMail.dll (as well as Common and Proxy).  If I purchase the component, does this give me the ability to use the namespaces in the bundled DLLs, or must we purchase additional licenses to use these?
$0To clarify, our use case is quite simple - we process bounces from an IMAP inbox, and then we remove all of the items in the email account.  This involves ImapClient (including ListMessages, Purge, DeleteMessage) as well as BounceInspector.$0
$0In a practical sense, is the UltimateBounceInspector Single Developer license going to cover all of this functionality (all the way to production on this system)? $0


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