Subject: Ultimate Sftp Client won't support mulitple drive replications parallely
Date: 2013-11-27 06:38:35
From: pratik T
Source: ultimate-sftp-client-won-t-support-mulitple-drive-replications-parallely

Hi,we are licenced user of ultimate sftp component. 
With reference to sftp replication methods it came to our observation that only default path to download from remote server component allows is C:\ only by providing root path.

For example :
sftp.DownloadDirectory("//testfolder", "C:\\testfolder");

In above only default root folder path I can provide is with '//'. If I want to download files from 'F:\testfolder' then spcifying same is throwing an error.

Kindly let us know how to download or Sync folders from other extended drives except root (C:\). Is there any way or configuration parameter with which we can do this ?


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