Subject: The type or namespace name 'IFileInfo' could not be found
Date: 2012-04-26 14:15:49
From: ARCON Support
Source: type-namespace-name-ifileinfo-not-found

I am able to find ComponentPro.FileSystem.dll, ComponentPro.Shell.dll in bin folder of installed directory but unable to find ComponentPro.FileSystem, ComponentPro.Shell folder in Code folder of installed folder................

The type or namespace name 'IFileInfo' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)..........

C:\Program Files\ComponentPro\UltimateStudio v5.0.4212\Code\ComponentPro.Sftp\Base\Scp\ScpFileInfo.cs	7	25	ComponentPro.Sftp_2008 ........... 

currently using v5.0.4212........

Please provide solution as early as possible ..........


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