Subject: Text "<>" in MailMessage Body
Date: 2022-10-03 19:53:07
From: krassimir.manolov
Source: text-error-data-corruption-mailmessage-body


Files created from the Save method of the MailMessage object have the text `<>` in the Body instead of the values specified in BodyText and BodyHtml.

Here is a code snippet which hopefully illustrates the issue ...

    ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailMessage emailMessage = new ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
    emailMessage.To = "";
    emailMessage.Subject = "Subject";
    emailMessage.BodyText = 
    "Thank you for contacting Pharmaceuticals. Please find the attached medical information response specific to your request.
     For additional inquiries or needs, refer to the contact information for Pharma Medical Information contained within the attached letter. Our company appreciates your interest in our products.
     Pharma Medical Information";
    emailMessage.BodyHtml = 
            Thank you for contacting Pharmaceuticals. Please find the attached medical information response specific to your request.

For additional inquiries or needs, refer to the contact information for Pharma Medical Information contained within the attached letter. Our company appreciates your interest in our products.

Pharma Medical Information "; emailMessage.Save("C:\Users\krassimir.manolov\Desktop\001.FIL", ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailFormat.OutlookMsg); Sample files and/or screenshots can be provided upon request. (could not identify how to attach files to this form) Can you please share how to address this issue? Is there some workaround, or perhaps some property which needs to be set?
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