Subject: Supporting for OpenSAML or not ??
Date: 2019-10-31 06:59:07
From: mahipalchoudhary
Source: supporting-opensaml-not

Dear Sir/ma'am,

I want to connect with IDP and still we don't have any idea about how to create Serivce provider for Identity Provider. Identity Provider using OpenSAML2 but we have a project which is build in "Angular8 and WCF service". So i want to ask you following question for purchase your product-

 1. How to Component Pro compatible with our Service Provider which is using Angular8 and WCF service ?
 2. Can you compatible with OpenSAML if yes then how?
 3. IF Component Pro is not support our technologies then which is better for us please suggest to us.

Thanks & Regards,
Mahipal Choudhary
Web Developer,
From India (Asia)


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