Subject: SSH into Router to make changes
Date: 2018-10-29 16:16:20
From: jilan3109
Source: ssh-router-make-changes

Im trying to use the SSH tool to be able to change a router ip via SSH, it is very simple via putty and port 22. We have a lot of the routers that we want to automate some of those configurations.

I've tried some of your examples but can't seem to get any to work. Below is just a basic test with a test box where I just want to see the interface information but it fails at couple of places where there is hostkey prompt that should indicate yes or no to accept the key but I don't see it . I have a form with button and the SshTerminalControl1 on it, Not sure what else I'm missing. I don't see any information in the terminal control either.

    Imports ComponentPro.Net
Imports ComponentPro.Net.Terminal
Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
    End Sub

    Public Sub HandleHostKeyVerifyingEvent()

            ' Create a new instance. 
            Dim client As New SshClient()

            '  AddHandler client.HostKeyVerifying, AddressOf client_HostKeyVerifying

            'Fails here 
            client.Connect("", 22)

            ' Or you can specify the SFTP port with 
            ' client.Connect("myserver", 22); 

            ' Authenticate. 
            client.Authenticate("admin", "password")

            ' Do something here... 
            ' ... 

            Dim shell As TerminalShell = client.CreateShell(True)

            ' Print any welcome messages, if available. 

            ' Send 'Showing the interface information' command. 
            shell.SendCommand("show interface x1")


            ' Disconnect. 
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub client_HostKeyVerifying(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As HostKeyVerifyingEventArgs)
        ' Print out the fingerprint info. 
        Console.Write(String.Format("Host key: {0}. Do you want to accept this host key?(y/n):", e.HostKey.ToString()))
        Dim answer As String = Console.ReadLine()
        ' Accept the fingerprint if user entered "y". 
        e.Accept = answer.ToLower() = "y"
'Fails here saying something is null'

    End Sub
End Class

The commands I want to send to the Router is in order below right after you would login is:

 - interface x1
 - ip-assignment WAN static
 - ip  
 - netmask 
 - gateway 
 - dns primary 
 - commit
 - exit
 - exit
 - exit

I need to translate these commands  into your SSH tool via If this all passes then I can move forward to purchasing your tool.



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