Subject: Source is replaced with newline
Date: 2012-01-26 13:51:28
From: pranay kishore
Source: source-replaced-newline

The template engine replaces each source line with "\r\n", which breaks the formatting. Kindly, let me know how to override this behavior.
Following code is from the samples ... for...

{%for i = 1 to 5%}
$i$ - $_IsFirst$ - $_IsLast$

Generates :
1 - True - False"\r\n"

2 - False - False"\r\n"

3 - False - False"\r\n"

4 - False - False"\r\n"

5 - False - True"\r\n"

1 - True - False
2 - False - False
3 - False - False
4 - False - False
5 - False - True

PS: White spaces from the post also gets trimmed!



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