Subject: SFTP.Timeout (millisecond in fact ?)
Date: 2011-02-10 14:41:18
From: David .
Source: sftp-timeout-millisecond-fact


Seems that there is an error with the comment associated with sftp.Timeout (VS2005 c#).
While moving the mouse over the Timeout word I get :
"        //     Gets or sets a value, in seconds, indicating after what period of time an"

Looking at your sample the number inputed in the config screen is multiplied by 1000 before beeing affected to the timeout.
Looking at the full method comment in the metadata :
"        // Résumé :
        //     Gets or sets a value, in seconds, indicating after what period of time an
        //     SFTP operation (sending commands, waiting for responses or time between data
        //     buffer transfers) should timeout.
        // Notes :
        //     By default, this property is set to 60000 (60 seconds). Minimal value is
        //     1000.
So it seems that it is not seconds but milliseconds ?.

I've timout issues connecting an sftp server, the value that I first set for timeout was 120 (assuming it was seconds so 2 minutes) so I suspect that it was "replaced" by the minimal value (1 second).
Will try to modify and see if I get less error (hard to reproduce in fact)


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