Subject: SFTP Server Transmission Error
Date: 2018-10-02 18:16:31
From: enjc
Source: sftp-server-transmission-error


We are experiencing an issue transmitting files over SFTP with one of our customers.  We have hundreds of other customers that we transmit via SFTP that don't have this issue:

Error message below:
Transmission of file to carrier failed: **Error: Negotiation failed. Server signature is not valid.** | at ComponentPro.Net.Sftp.c_K4E(String c_ROA, Int32 c_PKD, SecureShellConfig c_LJB, AsyncOperation c_M) at ComponentPro.Net.Sftp.Connect(String serverName, Int32 serverPort) at En.Logic.Transmission.CompProSFTP.BaseTransmit(String host, String userName, String password, Int32 port, String directory, String fileName, Func`2 transmit) at En.Logic.Transmission.CompProSFTP.Transmit(String host, String userName, String password, Int32 port, String directory, String fileName, Func`1 fileStreamer, Boolean usePassive, Boolean useExplicit) at En.Logic.Transmission.CompProSFTP.Transmit(String host, String userName, String password, Int32 port, String directory, String fileName, Byte[] fileContents, Boolean usePassive, Boolean useExplicit) at En.Logic.Transmission.Transmitter.Transmit(ExportFile ef)

Transmission Failed: 7/25/2018 5:59:58 PM

Error: **Negotiation failed. Server signature is not valid**. | at ComponentPro.Net.Sftp.c_K4E(String c_ROA, Int32 c_PKD, SecureShellConfig c_LJB, AsyncOperation c_M) at ComponentPro.Net.Sftp.Connect(String serverName, Int32 serverPort) at En.Logic: 7/25/2018 5:59:58 PM


Pertinent info below:

1) We can connect to their SFTP server using provided credentials using FileZilla

2) They are using CrushFTP for their SFTP server software

3) They don't blacklist any IP addresses but they have explicitly whitelisted all of our servers

4) Their software supports both RSA and DSS algorithms.

5) We have verified their wildcard certificate is valid and published on their sftp server.

I googled the error string and found a similar issue detailed in this thread below, is this the same issue and has it been solved?  Do we need to modify our ComponentPro code to fix this?  Again, we have hundreds of customers with no issue, but we've exhausted options known to us.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated, thanks!


Note: This question has been asked on the Q&A forum of Thang Dang's fraudulent ComponentPro brand
If you purchased anything from ComponentPro, you have been scammed. Contact the payment processor
who sold you the license and ask for your money back.

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