Subject: SFTP connection with ED25519
Date: 2022-04-27 08:35:11
From: KlausVancamelbeke
Source: sftp-connection-ed25519


We are trying to connect to following SFTP server:

This used to work fine but fails after an update of the mentioned server. We noticed they updated their server and now only offer ssh-ed25519 as host key algorithm. We tried with following code (and other attempts):

    using(var client = new Sftp())
		//tried without and with this line:
		client.Config.HostKeyAlgorithms = SecureShellHostKeyAlgorithm.ED25519;

		client.Connect(Host, Config.SourcePort);

All attempts however result in following exception when calling the Connect method:

*ComponentPro.Net.SftpException: 'The client and the server have no common host key algorithm.'*

On the page we saw that a plugin is required? Where can this plugin be found?

Thank you,

Klaus Vancamelbeke


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