Subject: SFTP client returns "Bad Message" error
Date: 2017-08-10 18:15:51
From: Matthew Baker
Source: sftp-client-returns-bad-message-error

During an SFTP client connection to a major shipping logistics provider, we see the following:

CMD -->       SSH_FXP_INIT Version: 4

RESPONSE -->  SSH_FXP_VERSION v3 - 0 extensions)

CMD -->       SSH_FXP_REALPATH Id: 1, Path: '.'

RESPONSE -->  SSH_FXP_NAME Id: 1, 1 item

CMD -->       SSH_FXP_OPEN Id: 2, Path: '/99812-1.ESM', Flag: 26

RESPONSE -->  SSH_FXP_STATUS Id: 2, Code: 5, Message: 'Bad message'

Our code is attempting to connect and upload a single file to their SFTP server. When speaking with their technical support staff, we learned:

Our server is running IBM Sterling Connect:Enterprise for UNIX 2.5.00 Secure FTP

Here is our Cipher Suite:   TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA

I don't see any method of debugging this issue from our code beyond the "Bad Message" response text. Could the SFTP component not be compatible with this SFTP server??

The version of components we are using is They are the purchased version, not the trial.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

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