Subject: Service Provider1 to Service Provider2 then to IdP and back to Service Provider1
Date: 2013-07-01 20:29:25
From: Jack Russel
Source: service-provider1-service-provider2-idp-back-service-provider1


I have a need to code my SSO where a user (from outside) will need to be logged into our compny's resource (SP1). So, we will have a simple login page that takes username and password.   But we need to forward those credentials of username and password (via SAML?) to another company's Service Provider (SP2) and in turn that compay then forwards that SAML auth request to its IdP.   Then their IdP will forward that SAML response to our resource (SP1) with success or failure.  Does that make sense?  And does Ultimate SAML Component support that scenario?  Thank you.

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