Subject: Sending Artifact response fails
Date: 2015-10-09 13:26:56
From: Rick Kooke
Source: sending-artifact-response-fails


We are testing if the Componentpro Ultimate Saml tool works in our solution. We have the Authentication request working and we receive an artifact from the IDp the next step is that we resolve the artifact by the Idp backchannel. With the received artifact we have constructed the Artifact resolve request and signed the resolveArtifact. But when we send the request we always receive the same error(Signed or not and with every url) by the ArtifactResponse.SendSamlMessageReceiveAftifactResponse(). What is the problem here? The inner exception contains some dutch.... Whch can be tansated to: The Startcode link on rule 23, position 2 does not match the endcode head....

Error: {"Failed to send receive request response over soap."} With the inner exception: {"De begincode link op regel 23, positie 2, komt niet overeen met de eindcode head. Regel 41, positie 3."}

Code: "[code lang='c#']
Saml2ArtifactType0004 httpArtifact = Saml2ArtifactType0004.CreateFromHttpArtifactQueryString(Request);
// Create an artifact resolve request.
ArtifactResolve artifactResolve = new ArtifactResolve();
string issuerUrl = "";
artifactResolve.Issuer = new Issuer(issuerUrl);
artifactResolve.Artifact = new Artifact(httpArtifact.ToString());
artifactResolve.IssueInstant = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Send the artifact resolve request and receive the artifact response.
string spArtifactResponderUrl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ArtifactIdProviderUrl"];
// Get the certificate var sPCertKey = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SPCertKey"] ?? MvcApplication.SPCertKey;
X509Certificate2 x509spCertificate = (X509Certificate2)HttpContext.Application[sPCertKey];
// Sign the authentication request.
artifactResolve.Sign(x509spCertificate); var artifactResponse = ArtifactResponse.SendSamlMessageReceiveAftifactResponse(spArtifactResponderUrl, artifactResolve); [/code]"

The constructed artifactResponse: AAQAAM2K4swP9wWZMpSMawzmyp+75KEUdWscLJimxnCx4WfmKKRdVhqTBW8=


Regards Rick

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