Subject: Send email through SMTP object class
Date: 2012-07-24 17:01:18
From: Mario Ramon Z Caceres
Source: send-email-smtp-object-class

I'm trying to send emails using SMTP client, and following the example in the documentation at UltimateMail I'm not getting success.

I'm trying exactly like this:


SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
string server = "serverName"; 
// Connect to the server.
client.Connect(server,25, SecurityMode.Implicit);
and I'm receiving an error: Fatal error 'ProtocolVersion' has been encountered on the local connection end" 
Does any of you know explain me what it means ?
I've tried another way but I also receiveid errors. Below there is the code I've used to simulate it
// Create a new instance of the SmtpClient class.
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
string server = "serverName"; 
// Connect to the server.
client.Connect(server, 25);
client.Authenticate("user", "pass"); 
I'm receiving this error: None of the supported authentication methods is accepted by the server.


Not sure what's going on here, does any of you faced a problem similar like this one ?

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