Subject: select another inbox that is not the userids primary inbox
Date: 2012-03-19 18:45:53
From: Jeffrey Smith
Source: select-another-inbox-not-userids-primary-inbox

$0I need some assistance with using the IMAP mail api's to connect to exchange and be able to interact with an inbox.$0
I have a userid "svcadmin" that has been granted full access to another inbox (other than the main inbox for svcadmin).  I can successfully select the svcadmin users inbox no problem.  But I am trying to figure out the correct path to this other inbox or figure out why I can't select it.
$0If I do a,$0
$0I get the error "NO The requested item could not be found".$0
$0I have been able to select on public folders and that works fine, I need to be able to copy copy message from a public folder and save them into this other inbox.$0
$0Is this possible?  Is it wrong permissions on the mailserver?  Does the userid "svcadmin" have to be the actual mailbox "owner" and not just given full rights to the mailbox actually owned by another userid?  Am I specifying an incorrect path to that mailbox?$0


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