Subject: SAML Redirect from Web Form with UpdatePanel
Date: 2011-08-05 17:40:52
From: Keith Robertson
Source: saml-redirect-web-form-updatepanel

We have an aspx login form using UpdatePanel so that various pieces of information can be updated by asynchronous postback without refreshing the whole page. The login form supports direct login and LDAP credentials, and can conditionally request other information. With one such postback, we can instead detect that we want to redirect the user to an IdP for login.
$0The problem is, because the form uses ScriptManager and UpdatePanel, javascript attempts to parse the the form response for parts to update. But when we return a SAML POST response, there are no such parts and the javascript fails, doing nothing.$0
$0Has anyone gotten a Saml2 AuthnRequest.SendHttpPost() to work when invoked from a web form using UpdatePanel?$0


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