Subject: SAML component with interoperability
Date: 2013-01-30 17:28:56
From: prashant chauhan
Source: saml-component-interoperability

We are planning to buy the license for SAML component but i want to make sure that it can be integrated with PHP moodle environment. We will be having ASP.Net web application which will act as IDP and user clicking on our website will transfer to Moodle PHP website which is being maintaned by other company. Its only us who will be using the Ultimate SAML component to creat a SAML response and send it to them. But how can they read that SAML response without using your component. I checked out all the sample projects and all the IDP and SP in those sample projects uses the comp pro library to create and read SAML responses. Basically i want create a SAML response using your library which can be read by SP without using your library and we can have successful SSO integration.

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