Subject: Create Workbook with One Worksheet
Date: 2019-02-01 18:46:52
From: iokevins
Source: remove-worksheets-range-workbook

How might I efficiently remove the unused second and third worksheets from a new Workbook?

These seem created each time I add a Workbook using:

    Dim ReportWorkbook As Workbook = New WorkbookManager().Workbooks.Add(ExcelVersion.Excel2013)

Alternatively, how might I specify I want just one worksheet when creating the workbook?

What I've tried:

Using ComponentPro v7.0.226.56 and Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017 Web Forms project (


Note: removing last-to-first to avoid index out-of-range errors.

I've looked at WorksheetCollection but that doesn't seem to have member functions to remove Worksheet ranges.

Thank you


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