Subject: Recommendation to do certificate renewal especially during rollover period
Date: 2020-06-26 17:33:13
Source: recommendation-certificate-renewal-especially-rollover-period

Quick Questions:
1. Is it possible to provide multiple certificates in saml request 
   a.	This will help enable 2 certificates during the rollover period. 
   b.	Does all identity provider support these or there is any configuration regarding these?
2. Currently, I am storing metadata and certificate file separately as some IDP client just provided new cert for renewal, 
   not the whole metadata file again
   a.	Can I update new provided cert in metadata file?
3. Can you point some recommended code for storing metadata file & cert file in database? 
   we have web farms and managing certs on all servers is challenge 
   a. That way I help me upload metadata  & cert file from UI 
   b. This will help manage cert renewal easily

Essentially, I want a suggestion for managing the renewal of saml cert effectively and also what is ComponentPro support for.
Please respond ASAP.


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