Subject: Progress monitoring on web
Date: 2012-10-08 21:10:55
From: Al Shenker
Source: progress-monitoring-web

Do you have an example of monitoring the list download progress on a web page as opposed to a windows app. I would like to update a label with the current progress. Updating the label server-side in the progress event handler didn't seem to do anything. And I also tried calling a javasript function in the server-side progress event handler which would in turn update the label on the client. This worked to update the label, but only when the download was completed... negating the usefulness off progress monitoring.

I am using Pop3, thought I don't know that it matters. Here is my latest attempt to handle the progress event:

[code lang='vb']

Private Sub client_MessageListProgress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Pop3MessageListProgressEventArgs)

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.Page.GetType, "updateScript", "updateProgress(" & e.Downloaded & ", " & e.Total & ", " & Math.Round(e.Percentage) & ");")

End Sub


And the javascript function:

function updateProgress(index, count, pct) {

//alert('index: ' + index + ' count: ' + count + ' pct: ' + pct); // used to verify this gets called. It indeed is called once for each message in the list

document.getElementById('<%= lblProgress.ClientID %>').innerText = 'Downloaded: ' + index + ' out of ' + count + ' messages (' + pct + '% completed)';





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