Subject: Problem with compilation in component FTP
Date: 2018-01-10 19:06:43
Source: problem-compilation-component-ftp


I just bought the FTP and FTP / SSL component whose version is, however, when compiling a mobile application, it sends me the following message:

File or assembly name 'ComponentPro.Ftp.CF, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 0EFEDE2D78B28DFF', or one of its dependencies, was not found.

As an additional fact, the trial version works without problems.

Please help us to request this inconvenience.

Thank you.


Note: This question has been asked on the Q&A forum of Thang Dang's fraudulent ComponentPro brand
If you purchased anything from ComponentPro, you have been scammed. Contact the payment processor
who sold you the license and ask for your money back.

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