Subject: Private and Public key issue
Date: 2013-07-01 17:29:12
From: giri shiv
Source: private-public-key-issue

I am trying to setup a connection to a linux host. I am not an expert in SSH securities so please help me out here.

I am able to the server and login with providing the username and pwd.
Now i want to establish a connection based on public key and the generated private key. I am not able to get this to work.
When we use the contruuctor of SecureShell to generate the Private key, how does this get the server's Public Key ?
I did not find any way to mentioned hte servers information in the SecureShell's methods.

Can you give me a sample to do this please ?

I am looking for a sample which will connect to a server, create and store the public and private keys,
then use them to connect/authenticate the user.

Due to this issue, i am not able to progress on my project.

Thanks in advance.

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