Subject: OpenSSH_6.7p1 - problems with algorithm
Date: 2015-11-13 13:14:49
From: Finn Bidstrup
Source: openssh-6-7p1-problems-algorithm

Hello Component pro,


My company have purchased  the ”Ultimate SFTP for .NET” about 3 years ago, and I use the component in my Visual Studio projects and it works fine. I am very content with the product.

My knowledge, however, to SFTP transfer protocols, algorithms and ciphers is non existing I’m afraid. That’s why your component comes in handy J

Recently, trying to connect to a new SFTP-server in code, I got this error: “The client and server have no common algorithms”. My code looks like this:

using Atp.Net;

client.Connect(IpAdresse, Portnumber);

client.Authenticate(LogonUser, Password);


client.UploadFile(Sourcefolder + GammeltFilNavn, NytFilnavn);



Normally it works, but I was told that the specific server, I’m trying to connect to, runs “OpenSSH_6.7p1” and does not support unsafe algorithms - in particular, CBC ciphers and arcfour.


I have no idea what that means, and tried to find some information in your web-site, and came across this: But the code example includes a “using ComponentPro.Net”, which make me think that I do not have the right version of your component, because I only am able to use a “using Atp.Net”? The “using Atp.Net” allows me to use this method: “AllowedEncryptionAlgorithms” is that a way to come across the problem?


Dear Component pro, I would be very happy If you would answer the following questions:

1: Is it possible for me to solve the problem with my present version of ”Ultimate SFTP for .NET”?  If YEAS: would you supply me with some code in c# that works connection to the specific server?

2: Do I need to upgrade or purchase any other component?  If YEAS: would you tell me how, AND supply me with some code in c# that works connection to the specific server?


Thanks in advance.

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