Subject: NullReferenceException in ChartImpl.cs
Date: 2021-09-14 02:23:58
From: gt5700
Source: nullreferenceexception-chartimpl-cs

 I'm trying to use ComponentPro Word to edit charts embedded in the document. When I call the chart.ChartData.SetChartData() method I get a NullReferenceException in the file ChartImpl.cs. Specifically, this line in the ComponentPro code throws the exception...line 3760 in ChartImpl.cs

    if (parentChart.Categories.Count > i)
        (parentChart.Categories[i] as ChartCategory).CategoryLabelIRange = range2;    <===== Exception Thrown here
        (parentChart.Categories[i] as ChartCategory).ValuesIRange = categoryRange;
        if ((parentChart.Categories[0].CategoryLabel as ChartDataRange).Range != null)
            (parentChart.Categories[i] as ChartCategory).Name = (parentChart.Categories[0].CategoryLabel as ChartDataRange).Range.Cells[i].Text;

The null reference is being returned by parent.Categories[i]. When looking at the code in ChartCategroyCollection.cs it has the following...


    public new ChartCategory this[int index]
            return null;       <=== This is why we are getting a null
            throw new NotSupportedException();

I have changed the source code to try and fix this, and it appears to work.

    public new ChartCategory this[int index]
            return base[index];       <=== This line is modified
            throw new NotSupportedException();

But I'm not sure if this is the correct way to fix this. I believe I am running the latest version of UltimateStudio-Pro v7.1.233.49, and it includes the source code.

Can someone please update your source code and release a new version of the product soon.



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