Subject: Multiple Root Element during ArtifactResponse.Send()
Date: 2018-01-03 12:46:57
From: jaydevsolanki047
Source: multiple-root-element-artifactresponse-send

I have implemented the changes related to SP in my client application and everything is working as usual but when I call 

      case SamlBindingUri.HttpArtifact:
                    // Receive the artifact.
                    Saml2ArtifactType0004 httpArtifact = Saml2ArtifactType0004.CreateFromHttpArtifactQueryString(page.Request);

                    // Create an artifact resolve request.
                    ArtifactResolve artifactResolve = new ArtifactResolve();
                    artifactResolve.Issuer = new Issuer(Util.GetAbsoluteUrl(page, "~/"));
                    artifactResolve.Artifact = new Artifact(httpArtifact.ToString());

                    // Look up for the appropriate artifact SP url
                    string referer = page.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri;
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < Services.AllowedServiceUrls.Length; i  )
                        string url = Services.AllowedServiceUrls[i];

                        if (referer.StartsWith(url))

                    if (i == Services.AllowedServiceUrls.Length)
                        throw new Exception("Your SP is not allowed");

                    // Send the artifact resolve request and receive the artifact response.
                    string artifactServiceProviderUrl = Services.ArtifactServiceProviderUrls[i];

                    ArtifactResponse artifactResponse = ArtifactResponse.SendSamlMessageReceiveAftifactResponse(artifactServiceProviderUrl, artifactResolve);

                    // Extract the authentication request from the artifact response.
                    authnRequest = new AuthnRequest(artifactResponse.Message);
                    relayState = httpArtifact.RelayState;

from **Util.cs** in IDP project, It redirects it to the page SamlArtifactResolve.aspx.

When i debug the line artifactResponse.Send(Response); from (**SamlArtifactResolve.aspx**) 

      ArtifactResolve artifactResolve = ArtifactResolve.Create(Request);

                // Get the artifact.
                Saml2ArtifactType0004 httpArtifact = new Saml2ArtifactType0004(artifactResolve.Artifact.ArtifactValue);

                // Remove the artifact state from the cache.
                XmlElement artifactXml = (XmlElement)SamlSettings.CacheProvider.Remove(httpArtifact.ToString());
                if (artifactXml == null)

                // Create an artifact response containing the cached SAML message.
                ArtifactResponse artifactResponse = new ArtifactResponse();
                artifactResponse.Issuer = new Issuer(Util.GetAbsoluteUrl(this, "~/"));
                artifactResponse.Message = artifactXml;

                // Send the artifact response.

I get exception of There are Multiple root elements. Below is a stacktrace.

   at ComponentPro.Saml2.ArtifactResponse.SendSamlMessageReceiveAftifactResponse(String destinationUrl, SignableSamlObject samlMessage)
   at SamlSPInitiated.IdentityProvider.Util.ReceiveAuthnRequest(Page page, AuthnRequest& authnRequest, String& relayState) in E:\Test\Web\Source\Application\Test.IdentityProvider\Util.cs:line 63

[Note : I have checked the XML format of the request and there is a single root element.]


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