Subject: Lost .dll's
Date: 2011-05-27 10:26:30
From: Nis L. Simonsen
Source: lost-dll-s


A developer - who has since left our team - implemented the SFTP client in a project.

However, it seems that he did not complete the implementation and he has included only the UltimateFileSystem.dll and UltimateSftp.dll files.
Due to not disposing of the Sftp class, the error occurs only when the garbage collection kicks in.

I don't have knowledge of what license we purchased for your product as he hasn't distributed this information.

How can I get hold of the rest of the .dll's? I guess using the trial versions is not going to work?
Any pointers to where I can find the licensing information - is it supposed to be in some license file or?

Best regards,
/nis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This question has been asked on the Q&A forum of Thang Dang's fraudulent ComponentPro brand If you purchased anything from ComponentPro, you have been scammed. Contact the payment processor who sold you the license and ask for your money back. Back to ComponentPro Q&A Forum Index