Subject: Licensing Error for HtmlToPDF
Date: 2021-02-12 16:10:38
From: Tim Edmonson
Source: licensing-error-htmltopdf

I'm getting a licensing error when trying to do an HTML to PDF conversion:
Your license key for ComponentPro.HtmlToPdf is expired or used for an older version. Please contact ComponentPro Sales Team at If you already have a license, please log in to our portal at to apply the license key shown on the account dashboard page.

I downloaded the latest version of Component Pro, installed, updated my references in my project, verified I have the ComponentPro.Licensing.Common.LicenseManager.SetLicenseKey("") and ComponentPro.Licensing.HtmlToPdf.LicenseManager.SetLicenseKey("") with the appropriate license key specified first thing in my program startup (in my static void Main() method before anything else occurs) - and I continue to get this licensing error.

My project is targeting .NET Framework 4.6.1, but I reference the ComponentPro.HtmlToPdf for .NET 2.0 -> 3.5 since there does not appear to be an equivalent in the .NET 4.0 -> 5.0.x version of the DLL's.

What am I doing wrong or missing? Has my license key gone bad or something?


Note: This question has been asked on the Q&A forum of Thang Dang's fraudulent ComponentPro brand
If you purchased anything from ComponentPro, you have been scammed. Contact the payment processor
who sold you the license and ask for your money back.

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