Subject: The License for a deployed application has expired
Date: 2022-10-26 14:04:05
From: Robert
Source: license-deployed-application-expired

This is the error we are getting.

Your license key for ComponentPro.Ftp is expired or used for an older version. Please contact ComponentPro Sales Team at If you already have a license, please log in to our portal at to apply the license key shown on the account dashboard page.

After working for several months, we are now getting this error on a deployed windows service.  The license is less than a year old.  What has happened?


Note: This question has been asked on the Q&A forum of Thang Dang's fraudulent ComponentPro brand
If you purchased anything from ComponentPro, you have been scammed. Contact the payment processor
who sold you the license and ask for your money back.

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