Subject: Invalid Key Size
Date: 2011-08-08 16:47:28
From: Michelle Mills
Source: invalid-key-size

Hi, when I connect to a secureftp site using Ultimate SFTP, I get an invalid key size error.  I can connect from the same machine with other software to the same site.  The code to reproduce the error is:

Sftp s = new Sftp();           
s.Connect(HOST, 1030);

I have logging turned on, which it I get:

נ [08/08/2011 14:15:19.86] Transfer - SecureShell: <- Packet SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY - 1527 bytes.
נ [08/08/2011 14:15:20.25] Verbose - SecureShell: Validating signature.
נ [08/08/2011 14:15:20.26] Verbose - SecureShell: Negotiation failed: ComponentPro.Net.SshException: Key exchange failed. ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Invalid key size (3072).
   at ş.ImportParameters(DSAParameters ຂ)
   at ת.ल(SshHostKeyAlgorithm 䓳, Byte[] ບ, Byte[] ཐ, ة 䕧)
   at ף.ᗔ(נ ᚢ, Byte[] 䔆, Byte[] 䔇, Byte[] 䔰, Byte[] 䔧, Byte[]& 㑺, Byte[]& 䒜, Byte[]& 䕃, Byte[]& 䒝)
   at נ.ᗔ(Byte[] 䔧)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at נ.ᗔ(Byte[] 䔧)

Please help.

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