Subject: Impelementing SAML2 from Mobile App
Date: 2018-03-07 13:20:30
From: Eyal Levin
Source: impelementing-saml2-mobile-app


I'm using your UltimateSAML component to SSO with different SAML2 providers.
The technique is by redirecting to the IdP provider, authenticating, redirecting the user back to my ACS URL, validating the SAML response in .Net, and then auto login.

Now i wish to extend this feature to my mobile app. This will require the App (based on cordova phonegap, and with .net webapi2) to connect with the IdP. Note that the IdP is dynamic.
Is it possible to support this kind of integration with your tool? it mean that in the mobile app i'll recognize the relevant IdP provider, redirect to it, and get back the saml response in the mobile?
Do you have some example of such integration?



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