Subject: HttpContext.User.IsAuthenticated is false and SP is not authenticated
Date: 2016-06-10 04:19:10
From: Harshitha K
Source: httpcontext-user-isauthenticated-false-sp-not-authenticated

I am authenticating a user in IDP and redirecting to SP. In Sample code of component pro, on successful authentication in IDP  the httpcontext.User.IsAuthenticated is true in SP even before setting the cookies in SP site. I have created a new mvc site and added the same bit of code from sample code of component pro idp. On successful authentication in our new mvc idp, the httpcontext.User.IsAuthenticated is false in SP before setting the cookies in SP site. The code in our mvc idp is same as the sample code. I am not sure about what is missing in our IDP.


Can anyone from component pro help on what is missing in our idp that is not setting the httpcontext.User object?

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