Subject: Getting "Server Signature is not valid" on connecting to AIX server 7.1 (Open SSH 8.1)
Date: 2021-05-28 08:19:53
From: ARCON Support
Source: getting-server-signature-not-valid-connecting-aix-server-open-ssh-8-1

On connecting to AIX Server, we are getting "**SSH - Negotiation failed. Server signature is not valid**". I am attaching Verbose logs of the same. Connections to same server is working fine with WinSCP.

I tried the solution from this post, but it did not help.

Here is the link to the Verbose logs:

Here is code for connection -
	this.newclient = new ComponentPro.Net.Sftp(this.components);
	if (_loginSettings.SftpServer != null)
		if (_loginSettings.SftpServer.Length > 0 && _loginSettings.SftpPort > 0)
				newclient.Connect(_loginSettings.SftpServer, _loginSettings.SftpPort);
			catch (Exception ex)
				CommonFunctions.WriteLogInFile("Connection with DSS failed. Attempting with RSA - "   ex.StackTrace   "\n", ex);
				newclient.Config.PreferredHostKeyAlgorithm = SecureShellHostKeyAlgorithm.RSA;
				newclient.Connect(_loginSettings.SftpServer, _loginSettings.SftpPort);
			if (newclient.IsConnected)



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