Subject: Getting "Key exchange failed" at random intervals
Date: 2010-11-19 00:12:59
From: G Gennaro
Source: getting-key-exchange-failed-random-intervals

I have an application that checks an SFTP to download files at timed intervals.   However, I'm seeing the following error but it's not consistent.  There is no load balancer in front of the SFTP server and debugging the application isn't revealing anything other than the exception below...

Key exchange failed. Invalid server signature.
   at ComponentSoft.Net.Sftp.Connect(String CÞË, Int32 CßË, CÐÅ CÃÌ)
   at ComponentSoft.Net.Sftp.Connect(String serverName, Int32 serverPort)

Given that I'm hitting the same SFTP server every time, I'm not sure why I'm receiving this error at random intervals.  Is there any additional settings to the Ultimate SFTP component that I could set to provide additional debugging information?

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