Subject: Gettiing message body issues
Date: 2010-09-15 20:24:29
From: chris barney
Source: gettiing-message-body-issues

I have an interesting issue getting message body text using the BounceResult  class.   The issue is I can read body text from some bounce notification emails  - but not others.   I am using an Guid included in the sent emails as a reference id to write back statuses to a database and need to get the original message text to extract the Guid.  
All email is sent in the same manner with the following delivery notification properties set as shown:

      =   DeliveryStatusNotificationReturnMessageMethod.FullMessage;
      = DeliveryStatusNotificationType.All;

Here is the code I am using to read the original message texts:

  foreach (BounceResult r in result)
                    if (r.Identified)
                        string messageId = "none found";
                        foreach (Attachment at in r.MailMessage.Attachments)
                            if ( at.Message != null )
                                string bodyText = at.Message.BodyText;
                                // extract message id
                                int regIndex = bodyText.IndexOf("ref:",StringComparison.CurrentCulture);
                                messageId = bodyText.Substring(regIndex + 4, Guid.Empty.ToString().Length);
                       // Update message status....

For the email bounce notification messages that I can read the bodyText there is Dsn.Action and  Dsn.DiagnosticCode information.  For the emails that do not have bodyText there is no DDsn.Action orDsn.DiagnosticCode information.

I am using UltimateEmail trial edition at the moment and have the full-source corporate licensed version ordered.

I am using gmail as a development imap server.

More Info:

The mail bounce messages that I can read the bodyText from are those that are sent to existing domains in which the recipient does not exist.  The ones I cannot read the bodyText from are sent to nonexistent domains. 


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