Subject: GetSignedAssertions() not working
Date: 2019-01-11 08:14:43
From: Suresh Kanna
Source: getsignedassertions-not-working

We were using the version and the function GetSignedAssertions() was working alright.

Now we upgraded the library to use the version and found that this method definition has been changed to:

    public Assertion[] GetSignedAssertions(X509Certificate2 x509Certificate);

Now in order to validate the Asserting and to keep on using the same method

1) I passed the IdentityProviderCertificate to this method, but it did not work.

    X509Certificate2 clientCert = new X509Certificate2(ssoConfigModel.IdentityProviderCertificateData);
    Assertion[] signedAssertions = samlResponse.GetSignedAssertions(clientCert);

2) I changed the process to call the methods in the below order and this is also not working

    if (samlAssertion.IsSigned())
    	X509Certificate2 clientCert = new X509Certificate2(ssoConfigModel.IdentityProviderCertificateData);
    	if (samlAssertion.Validate(clientCert))
    		isValidAssertion = true;

Can you please help to resolve the issues.


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