Subject: Get error when use sha256: Unable to verify the XML signature. ---> SignatureDescription could not be created for the signature algorithm supplie
Date: 2019-08-15 08:49:51
From: jason
Source: get-error-use-sha256-unable-verify-xml-signature-signaturedescription-not-created-signature-algorithm-supplie


When we use the sha256 as the algorithm for cert, receive the error when validate the signature:
Unable to verify the XML signature. ---> SignatureDescription could not be created for the signature algorithm supplied.
   at ComponentPro.Saml.SamlUtil.c_8630ad5d(XmlElement , AsymmetricAlgorithm , SignedXml )
   at AssertionConsumer.processSuccessResponse(Response samlResponse, String relayState)

processSuccessResponse function is:

    Assertion samlAssertion = (Assertion)samlResponse.Assertions[0];

    X509Certificate2 idpX509Certificate = GetX509Certificate();//get X509Certificate from our DB

        throw new Exception("The SAML response signature failed to verify.");

The error returned when we run to **Validate** function.

our ComponentPro.Saml.dll version is

Please help me to fix this issue.


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