Subject: Generating confirm read message
Date: 2013-03-29 08:11:56
From: Pascal LAUDEN
Source: generating-confirm-read-message


I've just purshased UltimateMailCF and I'm getting an issue generating confirm read message

I've made the test : downloaded a confirm read message as mime file and parsed it with MailMessage :

The confirm read is seen as an attachment :

Content-Type: message/disposition-notification

Final-recipient: RFC822;
Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically; displayed

which content-type is "message/disposition-notification" and TransferEncoding : SevenBit

(Attachment.ContentType.MediaType = message/disposition-notification and Attachment.MediaType=: message/disposition-notification)

But if I create a new attachment :

[code lang='c#']

 Attachment attachment = new Attachment();

attachment.LoadContent("This is text attachment","message/disposition-notification", Encoding.UTF8, TransferEncoding.SevenBit);


it throws an exception :

System.ArgumentException was unhandled
  Message="Media type 'message/disposition-notification' is not appropriate for text.\r\nParameter name: contentType"

So I tried to load it from a file

[code lang='c#']

 Attachment attachment = new Attachment();

 FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(@"C:\Projet_C#\_MIME\streamgmail.txt");
 attachment.LoadContentFromStream(fs, "att.txt", "message/disposition-notification");


this is OK but when I open the generated message in a text editor, the attachement is binary data :

Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Type: message/disposition-notification;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

it look like it is not seend as a read confirmation message.

what is the correct way to generate a confirm read message using UltimateMailCF?

Thanks for your help




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