Subject: FTPS passive mode and selection of IP address used for data channel
Date: 2012-01-30 13:48:45
From: Kevin Bault
Source: ftps-passive-mode-selection-ip-address-used-data-channel

$0I am currently evaluating ComponentPro's FTPS module.  Does your FTP component have an option to ignore the server's recommended IP address (given as part of the response to the PASV command), and to simply use the hostname/ip address originally used to initiate the command channel?$0
$0Examples from other FTP products:$0
$0* WS_FTP Pro GUI application has a checkbox labeled "Force passive connections to use host address".$0
$0* Comparable .NET products have options with names like:$0
$0   - FtpOptions.IgnorePassiveModeAddress$0
$0   - UseRemoteHostAddressForPassive$0
$0   - DataConnectType.SecurePassive$0
$0   - PassiveUseHostAddr$0


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