Subject: Filter not working with async
Date: 2017-03-06 13:40:13
From: S Reichert
Source: filter-not-working-async

Dear Sir or Madam,

we have a problem with the Ultimate Mail compoonent. We try to read mails from an imap server, filtered by date. When we do this synchronously with the following lines of code, the result is filtered as expected:

ImapCriterion criteria = ImapCriterion.ArrivedBetween(FromDate, DateTime.Now);

col =  client.ListMessages(ImapEnvelopeParts.UniqueId | ImapEnvelopeParts.ReceivedDate, criteria);


When we do the same operation asynchronously, the filter is not applied:

ImapCriterion criteria = ImapCriterion.ArrivedBetween(FromDate, DateTime.Now);

col = await client.ListMessagesAsync(ImapEnvelopeParts.UniqueId | ImapEnvelopeParts.ReceivedDate, criteria);


We use version:

Do we filter correctly or is this a bug?

Kind Regards


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