Subject: Excel Export: How to set cell format to "Text"?
Date: 2018-11-13 19:13:05
From: iokevins
Source: excel-export-set-cell-format-text

How do I set exported Excel cell format, from "General", to "Text"? 

I have cell values with numeric string data (e.g., "0123456789"). When I open the exported Excel file, I want Excel to display the cell format type as "Text". If left as type "General", the Excel export seems to turn the value into scientific notation and/or drops the leading zero.

What I've tried:

 1. oSheet.Item(iRowIterator, iColumnIterator).NumberFormat = ExcelFormatType.Text
 2. oSheet.Item(iRowIterator, iColumnIterator).NumberFormat = "Text"


 1. Sets NumberFormat to string "2"; Excel export shows format type = "Number" and value displayed as "0123456789.00"
 2. Sets NumberFormat to string "Text"; Excel export shows format type = "Number" and value displayed as "0123456789.00"

Thank you


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