Subject: Error: A public key corresponding to the supplied private key was not accepted by the server or the user name is incorrect
Date: 2018-01-24 15:56:18
From: ARCON Support
Source: error-public-key-corresponding-supplied-private-key-not-accepted-server-user-name-incorrect


I have generated Public Key Private Key combination, and have transferred Public Key to the Server whereas I am saving Private Key on my local Machine for now, but once this procedure is done I want to check whether I as a same user is getting access to my account using the Key-based Authentication System and it fails. 

1. Generating Keys: 

     public SSHKeyModel GenerateKeys(SSHKeyModel objSshKeyModel)
                //1. Setting up details. 
                objSshKeyModel.KeySize = 2048;
                SecureShellHostKeyAlgorithm secureShellHostKeyAlgorithm = SecureShellHostKeyAlgorithm.RSA;
                objSshKeyModel.PrivateKeyAlgorithm = "RSA";
                string publicKeyAlgorithm = string.Empty;
                switch (secureShellHostKeyAlgorithm)
                    case SecureShellHostKeyAlgorithm.RSA:
                        publicKeyAlgorithm = "ssh-rsa";
                    case SecureShellHostKeyAlgorithm.DSS:
                        publicKeyAlgorithm = "ssh-dss";
                        throw new ApplicationException("Unsupported algorithm.");
                objSshKeyModel.PublicKeyAlgorithm = publicKeyAlgorithm;
                //1. Generating Private Key.
                var _privateKey = SecureShellPrivateKey.Create(secureShellHostKeyAlgorithm, objSshKeyModel.KeySize);
                objSshKeyModel._PrivateKey = _privateKey.GetPrivateKey();//byte[]
                objSshKeyModel.PrivateKey = Convert.ToBase64String(objSshKeyModel._PrivateKey); //string
                MemoryStream streamOutput = new MemoryStream();
                _privateKey.Save(streamOutput, objSshKeyModel.Passphrase, "putty");
                streamOutput.Position = 0;
                objSshKeyModel.PrivateKey_ = new StreamReader(streamOutput);//StreamOutput
                objSshKeyModel.PrivateKeyPhysicalLocation = @"T:\Kaushal\Component_privateKey.ppk";
                _privateKey.Save(objSshKeyModel.PrivateKeyPhysicalLocation, objSshKeyModel.Passphrase, "putty"); //Location based.
                SecureShellPrivateKey objSecureShellPrivateKey = new SecureShellPrivateKey(objSshKeyModel.PrivateKeyPhysicalLocation, objSshKeyModel.Passphrase);
                //2. Getting Public Key.
                objSshKeyModel._PublicKey = _privateKey.GetPublicKey();//byte[]
                objSshKeyModel.PublicKey = objSshKeyModel.PublicKeyAlgorithm   " "   Convert.ToBase64String(objSshKeyModel._PublicKey)   " "   objSecureShellPrivateKey.Comment;//String
                streamOutput = new MemoryStream();
                streamOutput.Position = 0;
                objSshKeyModel.PublicKey_ = new StreamReader(streamOutput);//stream
                objSshKeyModel.PublicKeyPhysicalLocation = @"T:\Kaushal\";
                _privateKey.SavePublicKey(objSshKeyModel.PublicKeyPhysicalLocation);//Location Based.
                //3. Getting Fingerprint
                objSshKeyModel.Fingerprint = _privateKey.Fingerprint.ToString();    
                return objSshKeyModel;


2. Transferring Keys : (Please do not worry about the functions used internally.)

    public bool TransferPublicKey(SSHKeyModel objSshKeyModel)
                bool transferSuccess = false;
                //1. Connect to Server.
                SshClient objSshClient = new SshClient();
                objSshClient.Connect(objSshKeyModel.IpAddress, objSshKeyModel.Port);
                //2. Check whether server was connected.
                if (objSshClient.IsConnected)
                    //2.1 Authenticating User, via username and password.
                    objSshClient.Authenticate(objSshKeyModel.UserName, objSshKeyModel.Password);
                    if (objSshClient.IsAuthenticated)
                        //User is Authenticated.
                        var command = string.Empty;
                        //1. Getting into the User Directory.
                        command = @"cd /home/"   objSshKeyModel.UserName   "";
                        var recievedData = ExecuteCommand(objSshClient: objSshClient, command: command, objSshKeyModel: objSshKeyModel);
                        //2. Setting permission to the .ssh folder.
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recievedData.Trim()))
                            //Command executed Successfully. chmod 700 /home/test1/.ssh
                            command = @"chmod 700 /home/"   objSshKeyModel.UserName   "/.ssh";
                            recievedData = ExecuteCommand(objSshClient: objSshClient, command: command, objSshKeyModel: objSshKeyModel);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recievedData.Trim()))
                                //Command Executed Successfully. chmod 644 /home/test1/.ssh/authorized_keys
                                command = @"chmod 644 /home/"   objSshKeyModel.UserName   "/.ssh/authorized_keys";
                                recievedData = ExecuteCommand(objSshClient: objSshClient, command: command, objSshKeyModel: objSshKeyModel);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recievedData.Trim()))
                                    //Command Executed Successfully.
                                    //3. Setting permission to the authorized Key file. 
                                    command = @"cd /home/"   objSshKeyModel.UserName   "/.ssh";
                                    //2.2 Check whether Location-To-Be-Public-Key-Transferred exists.
                                    recievedData = ExecuteCommand(objSshClient: objSshClient, command: command, objSshKeyModel: objSshKeyModel);
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recievedData.Trim()))
                                        var permission = true;
                                        if (recievedData.Contains("Permission denied"))
                                            permission = false;
                                        if (permission)
                                            //Permission was Granted. 
                                            //#TODO: Remove this Command. Clearing the Contents of the File.
                                            command = @"echo '' > /home/"   objSshKeyModel.UserName   "/.ssh/authorized_keys";
                                            var strRecievedData = ExecuteCommand(objSshClient: objSshClient, command: command, objSshKeyModel: objSshKeyModel);
                                            strRecievedData = string.Empty;
                                            command = @"echo '"   objSshKeyModel.PublicKey   "' | "   "cat >> /home/"   objSshKeyModel.UserName   "/.ssh/authorized_keys";
                                            strRecievedData = ExecuteCommand(objSshClient: objSshClient, command: command, objSshKeyModel: objSshKeyModel);
                                            transferSuccess = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recievedData.Trim()) || recievedData.Trim().Contains("''")) ? true : false;
                                            //Permission was not set for the Location to be accessed. 
                        //User is not Authenticated. 
                return transferSuccess;

3. Login Via Private Key: 

    public bool ConnectWithKeys(SSHKeyModel objSshKeyModel)
                var userAuthenticated = false;
                    //Step 1: Authenticating via SSHClient.
                    SshClient objSshClient = new SshClient();
                    objSshClient.Connect(objSshKeyModel.IpAddress, objSshKeyModel.Port);
                    if (objSshClient.IsConnected)

                        SecureShellPrivateKey objSecureShellPrivateKey = new SecureShellPrivateKey(objSshKeyModel.PrivateKeyPhysicalLocation, objSshKeyModel.Passphrase);// objSshKeyModel._PrivateKey);//@"D:\id_rsa.ppk"
                        objSshClient.Authenticate(objSshKeyModel.UserName, objSecureShellPrivateKey);
                        userAuthenticated = (objSshClient.IsAuthenticated) ? true : false;
                catch (SecureShellException ex)
                    File.AppendAllText(@"D:\Log.txt", " Exception Occured : Stack Trace: "   ex.StackTrace   " ");
                return userAuthenticated;


Error at Line : objSshClient.Authenticate(objSshKeyModel.UserName, objSecureShellPrivateKey);

Error Details: 
Message: A public key corresponding to the supplied private key was not accepted by the server or the user name is incorrect.
ProtocolCode: 13
ProtocolMessage: AuthenticationCancelledByUser
Source: ComponentPro.Network
Status: OperationFailed

Could you please help me identify/verify whether or not the key formats generated are correct? Also please let me know if anything placed in above code is not correct?


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