Subject: Dual authentication fails
Date: 2022-04-06 18:59:21
Source: dual-authentication-fails

We have a requirement to use dual authentication ( public key and password ). When i setup the credentials for the user and try to connect using winscp / Filezilla , connection goes well with this message 'Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key!' while sending public signature . When i use the componentpro to connect using below parameters , i get odd error from CompPro :  " A public key corresponding to the supplied private key was not accepted by the server or the user name is incorrect." , "AuthenticationCancelledByUser" . If i use the same public key without any password requirement , i don't see any issue at all . **So is there any way to bypass 'signature errors' and have them connected ?**  Find below few error log generated from comp pro . Let me know if addition log required ?

        client.Connect("", 22);
            //client.Connection.Options = SshOptions.EnableSignaturePadding;
            client.Authenticate("test", "test",@"C:\temp\sshkey", "test");

0460 |95-BC-48-62-F0-37                              | ..Hb.7
 [04/06/2022 14:52:32.55] Verbose - Ssh: Received packet SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE (14 bytes).	
 0000 |33-00-00-00-08-70-61-73 73-77-6F-72-64-00      | 3....password.
 [04/06/2022 14:52:32.55] Error - Ssh: ComponentPro.Net.SecureShellException: A public key corresponding to the supplied private key was not accepted by the server or the user name is incorrect.
   at ComponentPro.Net.SecureShellConnection.c_4da1c3f0(String , String , SecureShellPrivateKey , SecureShellGssApiCredentials , Boolean , KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationEventHandler , AsyncOperation )


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