Subject: Constructing a Saml2.Response from Xml Date: 2013-08-29 16:58:38 From: Dan Sullivan Source: constructing-saml2-response-xml ----------------------------------------------------------------------Hello -
I have a few layers to my application and I'm hoping I can pass around the Assertions as a string or XmlDocument. However, in doing so the Validate() method always returns false. Here is a quick bit of code that illustrates my issue:
[code lang='c#']
Atp.Saml2.Response fromRequest = Atp.Saml2.Response.Create(Request);// This returns trueif (!fromRequest.Validate(cert))throw new ApplicationException("The SAML response signature failed to verify with public certificate");Atp.Saml2.Response fromXml = new Atp.Saml2.Response(fromRequest.GetXml());// This returns falseif (!fromXml.Validate(cert))throw new ApplicationException("The SAML response signature failed to verify with public certificate");Atp.Saml2.Response fromString = new Atp.Saml2.Response(fromRequest.ToBase64String());// This returns falseif (!fromString.Validate(cert))throw new ApplicationException("The SAML response signature failed to verify with public certificate");[/code]Should this work? Seems there might be a bug in the Response constructors.
Any thoughts/guidance are much apprciated.
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